Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What do I say about Ethics...

It does seem like this has been such a hot topic lately. Last week I blogged about astroturfing, but never actually shared my opinions on the issue. I guess I am just beginning to realize that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are just so many grey areas when in comes to the mass media, including Public Relations. I am about to be thrown into this world, and it's up to me to decide what I believe on these issues.

Unlike some of my classmates I do not think I could do a job every day that I was not passionate about, even I was making the big bucks. I want to work for a company that I feel confident in, one in which I am proud when I tell people who I work for. I do not want to have a guilty conscious or cheat people out of anything to make more money. I want to be a part of a company that follows a code of ethics and is honest with its customers. Honesty is very important to me.

However, I do realize that Public Relations (along with many other fields) is not a field that you usually start off with your ideal job. I understand that I may have to start with a job that I am not extremely passionate about, but that can change over time. Life is way to short to hate your job every day. I couldn't handle that, no matter how much money I was making.

Although I do not necessarily feel called to go into the mission field, I do know I want to do a job that helps people. Ideally I would like a job with as much human interaction as possible. I would like to think I made a difference in the world regardless of the amount on my paycheck. I would rather live a modest lifestyle, and have a career I love. I genuinely love to be around people, and I want to treat them the way I would like to be treated.

All of that being said, I am not willing to compromise any of my moral standards for more money or a better job. My family has instilled a core set of values based on what God desires for my life, and I definitely know then difference between right and wrong. I don't plan on doing anything illegal or immoral to make it in the world.

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